Things People Say That Keep Them Broke

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F. Baker Advisors

Frank Baker

F. Baker Advisors
134 W University Dr
Suite 203A
Rochester, MI 48307


May 22, 2019

8 Financial Tips for Young Adults
Unfortunately, personal finance has not yet become a required subject in high school or college, so you might be fairly clueless about how to manage your money when you’re out in the real world for the first time. To help …

Smart Habits of People With a Written Financial Plan
We’re not all planners by nature. Some of us like to wing our way through life, while others need their schedules mapped out well in …
Fox Business


Thinking of cosigning a student loan for your child? You might regret it
As the cost of college rises, more parents are cosigning private loans for their children’s education. That move can wreak havoc on …

Why your financial aid may plummet after freshman year
Grants and scholarships are the best ways to pay for college because you don’t have to repay them. But if you chose a college because …
ABC News


5 Ways to Increase Your After-Tax Spendable Income – and Legacy
Did you enjoy writing a check to Uncle Sam on April 15? No? Well, then try these strategies to increase your spendable after-tax income …

The Easiest Way to Determine Your Social Security Benefit
Understanding how much money you can expect from Social Security is crucial for retirement planning. Once you know how large your …
Fox Business


De-Coupling Your Finances: How to Un-Merge Your Money in a Divorce
Financially-speaking, divorces can be messy. Between state laws, beneficiaries, and dividing assets, it can become incredibly complicated …

Things People Say That Keep Them Broke
Broke people and wealthy people talk differently. They always have. All wealth is built through conversation. What we say, how we …

“The bad news is, the market threw a wrench into your retirement plans. The good news is, you can probably sell the wrench for $10 on eBay!”
Copyright © Randy Glasbergen

Gandhi Begins Fast in Protest of Caste Separation

What Year

In his cell at Yerovda Jail near Bombay, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi begins a hunger strike in protest of the British government’s decision to separate India’s electoral system by caste.
The day was May 23. What year was it?

Quote of the Week
“Investing should be more like watching paint dry or watching grass grow. If you want excitement, take $800 and go to Las Vegas.”
Paul Samuelson

Which president is on the US $100 bill?

See the answer below.

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