How to break-up with your bank




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Frank Baker

F. Baker Advisors
134 W University Dr
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Rochester, MI 48307


May 1, 2019

Holistic Legacy Planning: It’s About More Than Money
Planning your legacy can be a complicated process. Navigating how to pass on financial assets, real estate and possessions can be stressful, and some people end up putting it off due to concerns about difficult conversations …

Setting Financial Goals for Your Future
Setting short-term, mid-term, and long-term financial goals is an important step toward becoming financially secure. If you aren’t …

IRS data shows refunds down 2% under new law
IRS data released Thursday shows that while the average refund fell, the tax filing season was largely unchanged by the massive tax …
ABC News

As college debt rises, so does interest in teaching financial literacy
After languishing for a few years, support for teaching money-management skills to high school students has reignited, financial …

The one money lesson every woman should live by
Women can no longer pass the buck when it comes to their financial future. With nearly one-third of women now the family breadwinner …

Why You Need a Great Credit Score in Retirement Too
Think only young people need to establish great credit scores? That’s understandable. Credit cards are marketed to college students …
Fox Business

Should you really be paying off your kid’s student loans?
With college costs continuing to climb, many families are learning the hard way that obtaining a degree often means taking on …
USA Today

How to break up with your bank
Things happen in relationships — you grow apart, your partner gets to be too much for you, or worse — they do you wrong. Don’t stay in …
ABC News
“If you buy now, I’ll give you a 30% discount on the amount of time I spend in your office today.”
Copyright © Randy Glasbergen

Empire State Building Dedicated

What Year

President Herbert Hoover officially dedicates New York City’s Empire State Building, pressing a button from the White House that turns on the building’s lights.
The day was May 1. What year was it?

Quote of the Week
“The individual investor should act consistently as an investor and not as a speculator.”
Ben Graham
Which structure is displayed on the back of a US nickel?See the answer below.



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